Friday, May 9, 2008

My trip to NY

Well, unfortunately my Aunt Carol lost her 7 year battle with ovarian cancer this past week. She was 69 years old. I had not seen her for 8 years, but always felt close to her. We spent a lot of time at her house and played with her boys, our cousins, a lot until we moved to Az in 1979. Aunt Carol always kept in touch with us through the years and she was a wonderful lady with a deep faith. I made a quick decision to head to Lewiston, NY to go to the funeral. I am glad I did. It was heart wrenching to see my Uncle Tony suffer through the services. They were happily married for over 40 years. My Uncle Tony is the spitting image of my father, esp. in his suit. My folks couldn't make the trip, my dad had heart trouble earlier in the week and could not risk the travel. Anyways, the top picture is my uncle Tony and I at his house later in the day and the other picture is me and my Uncle Edward. They are my dad's two older brothers. The craziest part of the whole day was that I met two of my great uncles, my grandma's (who died when I was 7) brothers. ( twenty years younger than her, they had 13 kids in their family) Amazing! I did not know any of my great uncles were even alive. You have to understand, two of my cousins I had not seen since 1979. Reminiscing with my cousin Tony (Carol's son) about riding skateboards being pulled by others on bikes, and playing in the creek by my house. (30 years ago) I really can't put into words what this was like, all of my dad's family being together for the day. Amazing. I am glad I was able to be there, it was a sad day, but I was glad to be a part of it.
God bless Aunt Carol as she is now enjoying heaven pain free.


Kim said...

Definately a blessing that you were able to go...I wish I could have gone, but sadly it was not meant to be this time...curse the flights being full!! I'm sure your presence was a comfort to the family who lost aunt carol.

Stephanie Silverman Houser said...

Our condolences, so sorry. Love you.