Saturday, May 24, 2008

Haircut Time!

Bella and Lizzy both got haircuts this week. Bella was very serious during hers and stayed very still throughout the whole thing. She has a fashionable bob. Lizzy went to my hairdresser for the first time. She did not utter one word during the entire cut. She had about three inches cut off. She also wanted bangs. I know she likes to think she is just like her Aunt Kim, but when I saw this last picture on the computer, she is the exact image of her Aunt Heather when she was younger. Mark thought so also. Lizzy calls her Aunt Heber, maybe if she sees this picture she will come visit again from Ohio! We are off on vacation tommorow, so I may not have a post for a few days.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh my gosh - she does look like Heather!!! Cute pics of Bella also!