Friday, June 19, 2009

Dinner and Sundaes

Dinner at Tony's at the lake, the kids at the Cd'A resort dockside eating really big sundaes, and of course Markie chose a vanilla milkshake. We are eating well as Mark is trying to load up on calories before Sunday's race. And I posted a picture of my dinner, I was inspired by Becca's post and had to order the Gnocchi, I know that is spelled wrong, but when you see the picture you'll know what it is. It was most excellent.

Coeur d' Alene 09

Some pics of the vacation we are on. We came to Idaho for the Ironman. We are here for 5 nights. Sunday Mark will attempt his third ironman. We brought all the kids. Everyone is having a blast. The kids did a fun kids run last night complete with medals. The two older kids wore sandals for the run. Lizzy ran a mile, Markie and Bella about a half. Bella ran almost the whole way. We had a great Italian dinner last night on the lake, followed by amazing sundaes at the resort here overlooking the water.