Friday, May 28, 2010

A poem I found in Lizzie's end of the year work

I am creatie and funny
I wonder why there are stars in the sky
I hear butterflies giggling
I see little sparkling people on each star
I want to be able to fly
I am creative and funny

I pretend to be an Olympic gymnast
I feel that aliens are weird
I touch purple people
I worry that my dogs will get in a fight
I cry when my favorite animals run away
I am creative and funny

I understand that miracles can happen
I say that ducklings can talk
I dream about trains that are powered by bubbles
I try to do excellent in gymnastics and softball
I hope I could live foreer
I am creative and funny

Age 9
Grade 4th Lizzie Phipps

Splash Pad

Summer has arrived. School's out for summer. We headed over to the Tempe Beach Park Splash Pad for a little fun on this great Friday morning! Thought I should get the kids out while I can!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Markie turns 7

Markie turns 7. This was a great birthday for him. He wanted an XBOX 360 for his birthday, so he got that instead of having a big birthday party out somewhere, instead opting to have a few friends and neighbors over for a water balloon fight, make your own pizzas and cake. His cousin, Bobby and Nick got to spend the night too. The party was a compromise to save money for his game system, but turned out to be a lot more fun than his party last year at bowling or the year before at laser tag. He was very gracious allowing both his sisters to attend with Bella even crawling inside her sleeping bag next to his friends for part of the night.

Things about Markie to remember as he turns 7
1. He can read a 170 pg book in two nights.
2. He takes a half bologna sandwich with mayo for lunch every day to school.
3. He likes little league baseball and can hit the ball quite well.
4. He loves to play with Bella the most at home, Lizzie sometimes too.
5. Ben Moore is his best friend.
6. He likes a "full" bedtime movie every night, although he doesn't always get it.
7. He loves to sleep in sleep palnts with no shirt.
8. He would love to have his own cat.
9. He loves to swim.
10. He loves cheetos and oreos.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bella and Princess Dance

Bella took her first dance class through the city of Mesa. Princess dance. She liked it so much she did two sections in a row for about 12 weeks of dance. She had a blast. She had two different teachers and loved putting on her dance leotard every week and tights and shoes. She always ran right into the class without a backwards glance as to where I was, and for that alone I was thankful. I would sit in the hallway with the other mommies for 45 minutes and wait. First time in a long time I was kidless while waiting for a kid's activity and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Bella would sometimes get to show off what she had learned with the other girls at the end of class, and she always loved that. She can't wait to take more dance and asks for gymnastics a lot too, which we haven't ventured into yet. Bella, heres to many more years of driving you to whatever activities you choose!