Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all fathers out there. My dad called me this morning to thank me for the gift he got this morning from Kim and I. We went in together on a reel for him to fish with. I am in Washingon D.C. on a really long layover, Dad is in Yuma, he night fished last night til 3 a.m. with Steve and Chris. Anyways, I am thankful my dad is here for me to talk to on Father's Day. He has had some health scares lately. He is 65 years old now. Wow, he is getting up there in age.

Mark is home with the kids today since I am on the road. I guess Lizzy was waiting for him to wake up to say Happy Father's Day this morning. We wrapped presents and made cards before I left town the other day. As far as I know they have given him almost all of his gifts including a personalized soft sided cooler with a 6 pk of his favorite beer on ice. He still has one more gift in the freezer, hand packed ice cream with four mix ins from Cold Stone. I think they are giving it to him later. I will be home very late tonight. Mark is a great dad. He may not clean the house when I am gone, but he does a great job with the kids, takes them wherever they need to go, plays with them a lot. He took Lizzy, Markie, and Ben to a water park (Bella stayed with Kim) last night for a party Lizzy's gymnastics center threw for all the team kids. It sounds like they had a great time. He was right there in the water with them playing the whole time.

1 comment:

Kim said...

What??!! Dad came over to your house for a Father's Day BBQ?? Why weren't we invited???!!! Looks like everyone was having fun....??!!