Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lizzy's Golden Birthday

I have to admit, Markie said it best the other day when she got another card in the mail and it had a gift card in it. It was a couple of days past her birthday, and Markie said, "Hasn't it been Lizzy's birthday for like two weeks?" Which it pretty much was. Her party was on August 31, a home party with swimming, making mini- pizzas, painting picture frames, a sleepover with bingo, rock band on the Wii, and 7 little girls up til almost 2 a.m. Then we went to Oregano's on Sept 8, her actual birthday, with Nancy too, who shares Lizzy's birthday, and then on to Kim's for cake and more gifts. Gifts rolled in through the mail over the following few days from Cleveland, where Lizzy has lots of family. It is her golden birthday because it is her eighth birthday on September 8th of 2008. It took me a while to blog about the event of Lizzy turning 8, because it was a bit overwhelming.

September 8 2000 8:11 p.m.
When I became a Mom to a little baby I named Elizabeth.

No she is Lizzy, 8 going on 13. Outgoing, bubbly, confident, friendly. Loud and goofy. Intuitive, smart, an over achiever. A gymnast,the most flexible kid, a budding violinist, an excellent student, a fashion plate. A whiner, a grunter, a screamer, yelling at Markie constantly, leaves clothes anywhere she takes them off, hates to be late, a worrier. My daughter.

1 comment:

Kim said...

You forgot "loudest voice ever" and also, makes the best Aunt Kim face besides me!