Lizzy made ELP! ELP stands for Extended Learning Pull-out Service. It is a one day a week pullout program where she will be bussed to another school to work in a resource room with an ELP teacher who has been specially trained to offer students additional challenges in a variety of areas. It is an acclelerated program as well as an enrichment program for grades 3 - 6. The goals for the program are: 1. To develop and use various creative and critical problem solving skills 2. To develop and use extensive research skills 3. To develop self direction and a positive self image. She had to test into the program and get at least a 96 in one area as well as pass another test, she got a 98 nonverbal, a 94 verbal and a 86 quantitative. On the WISC-II/IV/Binet test she needed a 128 in any area and she got 133,137 and 139. I am so excited she has this opportunity. Her teacher wanted her to test, but I really didn't think she would make it. She has always done well in school, but I just never thought she was gifted, just a high achiever. I was surprised last week when she casually told me on Wed. that her teacher told her two days earlier she had made the program. I got the info in the mail a few days later. Why is took her two days to tell me I'll never know....because I know she really wanted to make it. I am so excited we chose her neighborhood school this year. Knowing my tax dollars are going for her education is nice, and having her close to home is great. She has a great teacher and a nice class. She is still trying her best, which is all I can ask for. Way to go Lizzy, we are all proud of our new ELP student!!!
18 Months- Day 547 minus Barbara...
10 years ago
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