2008 Memories
Not enough time to sleep
Lots of laughs
Lots of tears
Many kid meltdowns
Half marathon
Mark's dad visiting
Watching Chris succeed with his lamb at fair
Death of Aunt Carol
Reconnecting with Uncle Tony
Laughter and tears with cousins in NY
Reunion in Tucson with Up With People friends
Memories of a lifetime flooding back
Many mimosas in Tucson
Markie starting school
Lizzy starting a new school and thriving
New gym for Lizzy, level four competitions
Fun with the girls in Vegas
Lots of fun supper clubs, friends have come and gone
Buying a car with Bella
Visits from Mark's sisters
Couple of 10K's
Long trip to Yuma
Celebrating Nancy's mom's birthday
Over indulgent Christmas
Watching the kids grow and mature
Birthday celebrations for everyone
It was a good year. The kids are growing so fast. Our household is constantly in motion. Always something happening. We are blessed with friends and family that visit often, as Markie allows his room to be transformed into the guest suite with sleeping in his "loft" aka bunkbed. A few visitors we have had as overnight guests: Grandpa Larry from Michigan, Nana & papa from Yuma, Michelle from Tucson, Curtis from Seattle, Heather, Hilary and Bob from Cleveland, Jean from Minnesota, about a half dozen of Lizzy's friends from Mesa and Tempe, Ben from Tempe. We added a new member of our family with the adoption of Smudge the kitten. Zelda's health is failing as she turned 16 this year, but she is hanging in there as she is Bella's constant companion. Oh, and I almost forgot our snake, whom I found in our kitchen one night and now lives in an empty fish tank. I wonder what will come in 2009, always an adventure. We are looking forward to an ironman for Mark in Idaho, another week in Sedona, a birthday celebration for me in Cabo, adults only July 7 - 12, anyone want to join us? God bless us all and keep us healthy for another year!