Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A woman VP?

I highly recommend that you take a look at the blog list I have to the right of this and click on mommy life. She has all of the latest on Sarah Palin. If you want to learn more about Palin, that is the easiest place to find it. I can't wait for Sarah Palin's speech tonight at the convention. See, Sarah Palin did something 85% of women in America do not have the courage to do, she gave birth to a boy with down syndrome when she knew through prenatal testing that she was pregnant. Yes, 85% of women terminate their pregnancy when they learn the baby will have an extra chromosome. Now one of those babies is on the cover of People magazine. A gift from God. Here is a picture of another gift from God. Oh, and did I mention that Governor Palin and my sister share the same wedding anniversary? Here's to a ticket that values life above all else. Go McCain - Palin!

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