Thursday, May 22, 2008

School's Out for Summer!

Isn't that the name of a song? Last day of school today, May 22. Seems awfully early this year. Lizzy's school had an end of the year picnic for the families at the park next to the school. Seemed suspiciously like a way for the teachers to get rid of the students a couple of hours early, but it was fun. Second grade, check it off for Lizzy. She got two awards today at the end of the year assembly, One from Coach Spears, The Joventus Warrior Award (Roman God of Youth) for the student who most exemplifies WTA's physical fitness standards. (My little athlete) The other from her classroom teacher for outstanding achievement in math. It was a great year! I can't believe I have a third grader now.


Becca said...

Why that IS the title of a song. Alice Cooper, in fact...I worked an event that he hosted on Weds.

You're getting have a THIRD grader!!!! ;)

Kim said...

Remember, August 11 is the first day of school in the Mesa District; the count-down has begun!!