Friday, February 29, 2008

Second Try

o.k., second try at this, saved my first as a draft and can't get it to post now. It is leap year day Feb 29, 2008. Once every four years this day happens. Got 61/2 hours sleep since I did not get home from work until 12:30 and Lizzy woke me up at 7:04 with "can I watch t.v.?" Already been to the gym and back home. Lizzy is at school, Bella is playing and Markie is on the game cube. Star wars. Mark is home this friday morning because he quit his job, no such luck, actually he is doing some race today and had to be off. Let's see if this one will post.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I LOVE it! I knew you wouldn't be far, where's Kim's? You know, we are THE coolest mommie's around...everyone wants to be like US, matching shirts and all!!! ha ha ha